When looking for the best AGM battery charger, it’s meaningful to get the hang of the differences from the common lead-acid one. It has not only some distinctive specs but also nuances of powering. The tech is based on a fiberglass mat that makes it harder. It lacks internal resistance to ensure delivering impressively high currents. When speaking about the key pros, such batteries are immune from sulfation and can be stored for a long period without feeding. Besides, while charging AGM batteries, one can note how quickly they’re getting powered.
Why Ignore Common Cheap Devices?
AGM battery charging requires a proven, credible, and voltage controlled maintainer. No out-of-date constant current junk is suitable. Why are the rules so strict?
A central reason is that the AGM tech is very responding to overcharging. Moreover, the definite requirements for the battery maintaining depend on the charger’s design and they vary in different models. Why will a general-purpose product probably produce too much power? A common device is able to track the number of amps at its output. Nevertheless, it doesn’t allow revealing the moment when the battery is full-powered.
The advanced AGM maintainers’ models ensure gradual 3-staged charging with a few number of amps (from 1 up to 12A). At the same time, they collect data from the battery to correct the current and voltage. Some high-end models come with various adjustments for powering AGM batteries. Moreover, they reduce the feeding time and, unlike simple alternators, can either recover or revive to ensure full charge for both starter and a battery.
Many versatile products on the market come with several options to charge both lead-acid and AGM modifications of batteries. It’s crucial to pick the special mode for the AGM battery.
How to Feed AGM Battery
AGM battery charging procedure will be successful if it has the right pressure (in the range of 2.4V to 2.465V per cell) that is used at the proper temperature profile (25°C/77°F). It’s crucial to make an AGM battery powered at its optimal rate. If too much pressure is being exerted, current will pass through the battery quicker than it can be stored. This makes it give off hydrogen and oxygen too rapidly that finally destroys it.
To make the process safe and fast, keep in mind the unit’s capacity that is annotated in amps. The lager AGM battery is in the vehicle the higher capacity is demanded. At the end of the feeding, it is getting warm a little that isn’t a big deal. However, if it’s getting too warm while powering, it’s better to disconnect it to let some rest.

My name is Brandon, and I’ve been interested in cars since I was a kid. I got a bachelor’s degree in Automotive Technology and worked in a private car workshop. I have two cars that have been completely upgraded with my own hands. So I successfully put all my knowledge into practice.