How to paint wheels using Dupli-Color to achieve a nice finish
Dupli-Color Wheel Paint FAQ
This is a no-brainer task if you follow these steps.
– Prepare a set of materials necessary for this process. These should be a self-etching primer, metal spray paint, clear coat, wheel cleaner, a couple of rags, a wire brush, several sandpaper sheets, painter’s tape, rubbing alcohol, steel wool, and index cards.
– Find a proper place in which you can freely paint the rims. This should be a location with excellent ventilation.
– Start with removing the rims from your car, as it is not that practical to have them painted while fixed on the vehicle.
– Take your wheel cleaner and work your wheel rims thoroughly. The better finish you achieve, the smoother paint cover you will get in the end, so don’t be lazy! A traditional wheel cleaner can be replaced with a soap or degreaser mix if necessary.
– The next step will be to remove rust and old paint chips from your wheel rims. This is where you will use your wire brush to get rid of notable rust pieces. Then proceed to the next stage and work the wheel with sandpaper to create a greater look. After sanding is over, polish the entire wheel with steel wool. Now clean the wheel with rubbing alcohol and let it dry completely.
– Protect the visible parts of the wheel from overspray using index cards and a painter’s tape.
– Here is high time to apply several coats of self-etching primer to prepare the items for wheel paint.
– Now spray wheel paint over the layers of primer. Do this from the distance advised by the manufacturer. Let each coat dry before applying the next one. Remember to use the paint made by reliable manufacturers, e.g. the Dupli-Color wheel paint.
– Then apply a top coat carefully to make things done!

My name is Brandon, and I’ve been interested in cars since I was a kid. I got a bachelor’s degree in Automotive Technology and worked in a private car workshop. I have two cars that have been completely upgraded with my own hands. So I successfully put all my knowledge into practice.
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